What is social prescribing?

A commonly-held misconception is that social prescribing is when GPs prescribe exercise, fresh air or activity groups to patients to supplement or replace traditional medication. While this is incredibly valuable, social prescribing is so much more than this.

Social prescribing is a means of enabling health and social care professionals to connect patients to link workers who can provide non-clinical advice and support to maximise the holistic care of patients.

Link workers refer people to a range of local non-clinical services all aimed at improving their health and wellbeing. Link workers will often be experts in knowing local charities, organisations and groups that can support people with specific non-medical needs.

A person may come into a GP practice, for example, and the GP may recognise that their needs are related to socioeconomic or psychosocial issues. They may be isolated, in unfit accommodation or struggling at home. These issues can’t be fixed by medicine alone. This is where a link worker comes in.

So, how does it really work?

The Process of Social Prescribing: image adapted from Elemental Software image found at https://elementalsoftware.co/social-prescribing/what-is-social-prescribing/

The Process of Social Prescribing: image adapted from Elemental Software image found at https://elementalsoftware.co/social-prescribing/what-is-social-prescribing/

1.     The GP can refer suitable people to the link worker, who has time and local expertise to help improve a person’s non-medical health. Health and wellbeing is determined by social, economic and environmental factors, so link workers have an extremely important role in primary prevention of a huge number of illnesses.

2.     The link worker will arrange an initial session with the person.

3.     This initial session will be used to gather basic information about the person – focussing on what matters to them. Social prescribing gives people a voice and a choice.

4.     From there, a social prescription will be co-created between the person and the link worker. The focus on co-design, personalisation of care and shared decision-making is key to social prescribing.

5.     From there, further contact will be made with the person and any new plans can be made.

6.     What the evidence suggests so far is that this leads to reduced isolation, increased empowerment and an overall reduction in health risk.

There are now over 1200 link workers in post across the UK, doing amazing work. GPs report that at least 20% of all patients they see present with non-medical conditions, such as isolation, debt or housing issues, and a further 20% live with a condition where medicines don’t have a proven role. These are the people social prescribing is designed to help.

So, what is the evidence?

Evidence so far suggests that social prescribing has a number of benefits. A 2014 study called The Social and Economic Impact of the Rotherham Social Prescribing Pilot was one of the first to look at the impact of social prescribing. It found that there was a decrease in the number of patients seeking hospital care. This translated to a 20% reduction in inpatient admissions and A&E attendances.

It also found that there were huge improvements in patient wellbeing and self-management, both incredibly important metrics. Finally, the study found huge economic benefits. These positive impacts have been echoed by further studies and patient testimonies, so it will be fascinating to see further research as it is released.

Resources used:









What is the Social Prescribing Champion Scheme?

